

I send you love and healing!

I want to get into the habit of writing here - writing something which I hope will be of value or use to you - more frequently than I have been. I have held back and not always shared what I think of as the little, obvious, or redundant things. I know that my knowledge is built on those before me, that it's already out there for you to read elsewhere, and my words are just those ideas filtered through me. I believe that little is new, and certainly little that I have to offer. Sometimes, though, I understand that my particular perspective might be useful, and that it's one of my greatest gifts. It took me a long time to know that, though. And it isn't any good to anybody if I don't share it. It always sounds like vanity, to say that out loud, but between fear of being judged and permitting the impulse to let my light shine, it better serves myself and others to nix the first and support the latter.

I like to believe, too, that our particular little forms, that thing we call an individual, is kind of like a crystal through which light shines. Maybe that light is collective consciousness, or God, or simply the collective breath of life itself, I don't know. Our forms are these unique crystals and their particular shapes - the shapes of our selves, the structure of our atoms and collected cells and neurons, all - affect the way the light shines through them, the way the rainbow of colors get expressed and painted across the walls which are our environment, the world. One shape paints one array, another shape a completely different rainbow, depending on the shape of that crystal: yours, mine, anyone's. If we keep our forms clear, the more brilliant and full the expression. I try to stay fit, meditate, avoid stagnation and brooding, thoughts and self-judgment that block the light. I've got to stay clear so that the light finds its best channels through me, so that the light that shines through and brightens up what it touches, helps things grow well. Everybody has this capacity.

I didn't know what to write today, didn't think I have much to offer, but I figured I can't let that stop me. I know that wherever you're at, we could all use some love and healing. This much I can give you today. Feel it coming your way now, filling you up, warm and electric. I hope the light finds your darkest spots and reveals what's needed there. I hope this love, our love, gets in there and makes a friend where there was fear. We are so great, and have so much to offer. Let yourself shine. Feel it.

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